Saturday, May 17, 2014

Gta San Andreas Cheats

Hello! Theese are cheats for GTA: San Andreas.Hope
you'll enjoy!

Adrenaline effectsPS3 CrossPS3 CrossPS3 SquarePS3 R1PS3 L1PS3 CrossPS3 DownPS3 LeftPS3 Crossmunasef / anoseonglassXBox AXBox AXBox XXbox RTriggerXbox LTriggerXBox AXbox DownXbox LeftXBox A
Armor, health (also repairs cars if you are in one), and money ($250,000)PS3 R1PS3 R2PS3 L1PS3 CrossPS3 LeftPS3 DownPS3 RightPS3 UpPS3 LeftPS3 DownPS3 RightPS3 UphesoyamXbox RTriggerXBox BlackXbox LTriggerXBox AXbox LeftXbox DownXbox RightXbox UpXbox LeftXbox DownXbox RightXbox Up
CJ jumps 10 times higherPS3 UpPS3 UpPS3 TrianglePS3 TrianglePS3 UpPS3 UpPS3 LeftPS3 RightPS3 SquarePS3 R2PS3 R2lfgmhal / kangarooXbox UpXbox UpXBox YXbox UpXbox UpXbox LeftXbox RightXBox XXBox BlackXBox Black
Commit suicide (immediately)

Note: If the Unlimited Health cheat is on CJ would not die
PS3 RightPS3 L2PS3 DownPS3 R1PS3 LeftPS3 LeftPS3 R1PS3 L1PS3 L2PS3 L1szcmawo / goodbyecruelworldXbox RightXBox WhiteXbox DownXbox RTriggerXbox LeftXbox LeftXbox RTriggerXbox LTriggerXBox WhiteXbox LTrigger
Hitman level for all weaponsPS3 DownPS3 SquarePS3 CrossPS3 LeftPS3 R1PS3 R2PS3 LeftPS3 DownPS3 DownPS3 L1PS3 L1PS3 L1ncsgdag / professionalkillerXbox DownXBox XXBox AXbox LeftXbox RTriggerXBox BlackXbox LeftXbox DownXbox DownXbox LTriggerXbox LTriggerXbox LTrigger
Lock Wanted level(facilitates exploration of islands/cities and restricted areas before they're unlocked)PS3 CirclePS3 RightPS3 CirclePS3 RightPS3 LeftPS3 SquarePS3 TrianglePS3 Upaezakmi / ifirstdoz/ testeducationalskillsXBox BXbox RightXBox XXbox RightXbox LeftXBox XXBox YXbox Up
Lower wanted level (Removes all stars; This cheat will not work if CJ enters Areas that has yet to be unlocked in the storyline)PS3 R1PS3 R1PS3 CirclePS3 R2PS3 UpPS3 DownPS3 UpPS3 DownPS3 UpPS3 Downturndowntheheat / asnaebXbox RTriggerXbox RTriggerXBox BXBox BlackXbox UpXbox DownXbox UpXbox DownXbox UpXbox Down
Maximum fatPS3 TrianglePS3 UpPS3 UpPS3 LeftPS3 RightPS3 SquarePS3 CirclePS3 DownbtcdbcbXBox YXbox UpXbox UpXbox LeftXbox RightXBox XXBox BXbox Down
Maximum lung capacity (infinite air underwater)PS3 DownPS3 LeftPS3 L1PS3 DownPS3 DownPS3 R2PS3 DownPS3 L2PS3 DowncvwkxamDown, Left, L Trigger, Down, Down, Black, Down, White, Down
Maximum musclePS3 TrianglePS3 UpPS3 UpPS3 LeftPS3 RightPS3 SquarePS3 CirclePS3 Leftjysdsod / buffmeupY, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Left
Maximum respect
PS3 L1PS3 R1PS3 TrianglePS3 DownPS3 R2PS3 CrossPS3 L1PS3 UpPS3 L2PS3 L2 PS3 L1 PS3 L1
ogxsdag / worshipmeL Trigger, R Trigger, Y, DOWN, Black, A, L Trigger, UP, White, White, L Trigger, L Trigger
Maximum sex appeal
PS3 CirclePS3 TrianglePS3 TrianglePS3 UpPS3 CirclePS3 R1PS3 L2PS3 UpPS3 TrianglePS3 L1PS3 L1PS3 L1
bekknqv / helloladiesB, Y, Y, UP, B, R Trigger, White, UP, Y, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger
Maximum staminaPS3 UpPS3 CrossPS3 TrianglePS3 CrossPS3 TrianglePS3 CrossPS3 SquarePS3 R2PS3 Rightvkypqcf / staminaUp, A, Y, A, Y, A, X, Black, Right
Maximum vehicle skills (Driving, flying, bike, cycling)
PS3 SquarePS3 L2PS3 CrossPS3 R1PS3 L2PS3 L2PS3 LeftPS3 R1PS3 RightPS3 L1PS3 L1PS3 L1
naturaltalentX, White, A, R Trigger, White, White, LEFT, R Trigger, RIGHT, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger
Minimum fat and Muscle
PS3 TrianglePS3 UpPS3 UpPS3 LeftPS3 RightPS3 SquarePS3 CirclePS3 Right
kvgyzqkY, Up, Up, Left, Right, X, B, Right
CJ Never Gets Hungry
PS3 SquarePS3 L2PS3 R1PS3 TrianglePS3 UpPS3 SquarePS3 L2PS3 UpPS3 Cross
aeduwnv / hungryX, White, R Trigger, Y, UP, X, White, UP, A
Raise wanted level (increases by two stars)
PS3 R1PS3 R1PS3 CirclePS3 R2PS3 LeftPS3 RightPS3 LeftPS3 RightPS3 LeftPS3 Right
osrblhh / turnuptheheatR Trigger, R Trigger, B, Black, Right, Left, Right, Left, Right, Left
Six-star wanted level
PS3 CirclePS3 RightPS3 CirclePS3 RightPS3 LeftPS3 SquarePS3 CrossPS3 Down
ljspqk / bringitonB, Right, B, Right, Left, X, A Down
Slow gameplay
PS3 TrianglePS3 UpPS3 RightPS3 DownPS3 SquarePS3 R2PS3 R1
liyoaay / slowitdownY, Up, Right, Down, X, Black, R Trigger
Spawn Jetpack
PS3 LeftPS3 RightPS3 L1PS3 L2PS3 R1PS3 R2PS3 UpPS3 DownPS3 LeftPS3 Right
yecgaa / rocketmanLeft, Right, L Trigger, White, R Trigger, Black, Up, Down, Left, Right
Spawn Parachute
PS3 LeftPS3 RightPS3 L1PS3 L2PS3 R1PS3 R2PS3 R2PS3 UpPS3 DownPS3 RightPS3 L1
aiypwzqpLeft, Right, L Trigger, White, R Trigger, Black, Black, Up, Down, Right, L Trigger
Super punches

Note: Pedestrians can also super punch. If a pedestrian punches CJ, he will be instantly killed. However, if the Unlimited Health cheat is activated, super punches do not affect CJ
PS3 UpPS3 LeftPS3 CrossPS3 TrianglePS3 R1PS3 CirclePS3 CirclePS3 CirclePS3 L2
iavenjq / stinglikeabee
Up, Left, A, Y, R Trigger, B, B, B, White
Unlimited ammunition (Using this cheat will make your sound go dodgy. Found on Xbox 360 Version. This cheat also affect npc's).
PS3 L1PS3 R1PS3 SquarePS3 R1PS3 LeftPS3 R2PS3 R1PS3 LeftPS3 SquarePS3 DownPS3 L1PS3 L1
wanrltw / fullclipL Trigger, R Trigger, X, R Trigger, LEFT, Black, R Trigger, LEFT, X, DOWN, L Trigger, L Trigger
Unlimited health

Note: Explosions, drowning, falling, and the guns of the Police Choppers still hurt in the PS2 and Xbox versions. The guns of the Police Chopper also still hurts in the PC version. If a vehicle explodes while CJ is still in it, he will instantly get killed
PS3 DownPS3 CrossPS3 RightPS3 LeftPS3 RightPS3 R1PS3 RightPS3 DownPS3 UpPS3 Triangle
baguvix / cainemvhzcDown, A, Right, Left, Right, R Trigger, Right, Down, Up, Y
Weapons (tier 1) (Brass Knucklesbaseball bat,9mmshotgunMicro SMGAK-47Rifle,rocket launcher,Molotov Cocktail, &Spray Paint)
PS3 R1PS3 R2PS3 L1PS3 R2PS3 LeftPS3 DownPS3 RightPS3 UpPS3 LeftPS3 DownPS3 RightPS3 Up
lxgiwylR Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up
Weapons (tier 2) (Fist,KnifeDesert Eagle,Sawn-Off ShotgunTEC 9M4 Carbinesniper rifleFlamethrowerFire Extinguisher &Grenades)
PS3 R1PS3 R2PS3 L1PS3 R2PS3 LeftPS3 DownPS3 RightPS3 UpPS3 LeftPS3 DownPS3 DownPS3 Left
kjkszpj / professionalskitR Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Left
PS3 R1PS3 R2PS3 L1PS3 R2PS3 LeftPS3 DownPS3 RightPS3 UpPS3 LeftPS3 DownPS3 DownPS3 Down
uzumymwR Trigger, Black, L Trigger, Black, Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Down, Down


All cars have nitrous.

Note: When modifying a car, it appears as "2x Nitro", but you will have an infinite amount. (If you not upgrade your car go exit from your vehicle and get back it will be recharged)
PS3 LeftPS3 TrianglePS3 R1PS3 L1PS3 UpPS3 SquarePS3 TrianglePS3 DownPS3 CirclePS3 L2PS3 L1PS3 L1coxefgu / speedfreakXbox LeftXBox YXbox RTriggerXbox LTriggerXbox UpXBox XXBox YXbox DownXBox BXBox WhiteXbox LTriggerXbox LTrigger
Cars drive on water (Amphibious cars)PS3 RightPS3 R2PS3 CirclePS3 R1PS3 L2PS3 SquarePS3 R1PS3 R2gkpnmq [Citation needed]Xbox RightXBox BlackXBox BXbox RTriggerXBox WhiteXBox XXbox RTriggerXBox Black
Flying boats

Note: Only the Speedercan take off successfully and with difficulty.
PS3 R2PS3 CirclePS3 UpPS3 L1PS3 RightPS3 R1PS3 RightPS3 UpPS3 SquarePS3 Triangleafsnmsmw / flyingfishXBox BlackXBox BXbox UpXbox LTriggerXbox RightXbox RTriggerXbox RightXbox UpXBox XXBox Y
Flying cars

Note: Cars take off like planes, except they have no left and right rudder.
PS3 SquarePS3 DownPS3 L2PS3 UpPS3 L1PS3 CirclePS3 UpPS3 CrossPS3 LeftPS3 UpPS3 DownPS3 L1PS3 R1PS3 L1PS3 RightPS3 LeftPS3 L1PS3 Leftripazha / chittychittybangbangXBox XXbox DownXBox WhiteXbox UpXbox LTriggerXBox BXbox UpXBox AXbox Left
Increased car speedPS3 UpPS3 L1PS3 R1PS3 UpPS3 RightPS3 UpPS3 CrossPS3 L2PS3 CrossPS3 L1lpnqmasXbox UpXbox LTriggerXbox RTriggerXbox UpXbox RightXbox UpXBox AXBox WhiteXBox AXbox LTrigger
Improved suspensionsPS3 SquarePS3 SquarePS3 R2PS3 LeftPS3 UpPS3 SquarePS3 R2PS3 CrossPS3 CrossPS3 Crosssticklikeglue / pggomoyXBox XXBox XXBox BlackXbox LeftXbox UpXBox XXBox BlackXBox BlackXBox AXBox AXBox A
Manual weapon control in carsPS3 UpPS3 UpPS3 SquarePS3 L2PS3 RightPS3 CrossPS3 R1PS3 DownPS3 R2PS3 CircleouiqdmwXbox UpXbox UpXBox XXBox WhiteXbox RightXBox AXbox RTriggerXbox DownXBox BlackXBox B
Massive bicycle bunny hops (Jump 100 feet in air)PS3 TrianglePS3 SquarePS3 CirclePS3 CirclePS3 SquarePS3 CirclePS3 CirclePS3 L1PS3 L2PS3 L2PS3 R1PS3 R2jhjoecw / cjphonehomeXBox YXBox XXBox BXBox BXBox XXBox BXBox BXbox LTriggerXBox WhiteXBox WhiteXbox RTriggerXBox Black
Perfect handling

Note: Infernus is recommended for this cheat.
PS3 TrianglePS3 R1PS3 R1PS3 LeftPS3 R1PS3 L1PS3 R2PS3 L1pggomoy/sticklikeglueXBox YXbox RTriggerXbox RTriggerXbox LeftXbox RTriggerXbox LTriggerXBox BlackXbox LTrigger
Spawn Bloodring BangerPS3 DownPS3 R1PS3 CirclePS3 L2PS3 L2PS3 CrossPS3 R1PS3 L1PS3 LeftPS3 Leftcqzijmb / oldspeeddemonXbox DownXbox RTriggerXBox BXBox WhiteXBox WhiteXBox AXbox RTriggerXbox LTriggerXbox LeftXbox Left
Spawn CaddyPS3 CirclePS3 L1PS3 UpPS3 R1PS3 L2PS3 CrossPS3 R1PS3 L1PS3 CirclePS3 CrossrzhsuewXBox BXbox LTriggerXbox UpXbox RTriggerXBox WhiteXBox AXbox RTriggerXbox LTriggerXBox BXBox A
Spawn DozerPS3 R2PS3 L1PS3 L1PS3 RightPS3 RightPS3 UpPS3 UpPS3 CrossPS3 L1PS3 Lefteegcyxt / itsallbullXBox BlackXbox LTriggerXbox LTriggerXbox RightXbox RightXbox UpXbox UpXBox AXbox LTriggerXbox Left
Spawn HunterPS3 CirclePS3 CrossPS3 L1PS3 CirclePS3 CirclePS3 L1PS3 CirclePS3 R1PS3 R2PS3 L2PS3 L1PS3 L1ohdudeXBox BXBox AXbox LTriggerXBox BXBox BXbox LTriggerXBox BXbox RTriggerXBox BlackXBox WhiteXbox LTriggerXbox LTrigger
Spawn HydraPS3 TrianglePS3 TrianglePS3 SquarePS3 CirclePS3 CrossPS3 L1PS3 L1PS3 DownPS3 UpjumpjetXBox YXBox YXBox XXBox BXBox AXbox LTriggerXbox LTriggerXbox DownXbox Up
Spawn MonsterPS3 RightPS3 UpPS3 R1PS3 R1PS3 R1PS3 DownPS3 TrianglePS3 TrianglePS3 CrossPS3 CirclePS3 L1PS3 L1agbdlcid / monstermashXbox RightXbox UpXbox RTriggerXbox RTriggerXbox RTriggerXbox DownXBox YXBox YXBox AXBox BXbox LTriggerXbox LTrigger
Spawn QuadPS3 LeftPS3 LeftPS3 DownPS3 DownPS3 UpPS3 UpPS3 SquarePS3 CirclePS3 TrianglePS3 R1PS3 R2akjjyglc / fourwheelfunXbox LeftXbox LeftXbox DownXbox DownXbox UpXbox UpXBox XXBox BXBox YXbox RTriggerXBox Black
Spawn Hotring Racer(hotrina)PS3 R1PS3 CirclePS3 R2PS3 RightPS3 L1PS3 L2PS3 CrossPS3 CrossPS3 SquarePS3 R1pdnejoh / vrockpokeyXbox RTriggerXBox BXBox BlackXbox RightXbox LTriggerXBox WhiteXBox AXBox AXBox XXbox RTrigger
Spawn Hotring Racer(hotrinb)PS3 R2PS3 L1PS3 CirclePS3 RightPS3 L1PS3 R1PS3 RightPS3 UpPS3 CirclePS3 R2vpjtqwvXBox BlackXbox LTriggerXBox BXbox RightXbox LTriggerXbox RTriggerXbox RightXbox UpXBox BXBox Black
Spawn RancherPS3 UpPS3 RightPS3 RightPS3 L1PS3 RightPS3 UpPS3 SquarePS3 L2jqntdmhXbox UpXbox RightXbox RightXbox LTriggerXbox RightXbox UpXBox XXBox White
Spawn RangerPS3 UpPS3 RightPS3 RightPS3 L1PS3 UpPS3 SquarePS3 L2Unavailable/UnknownXbox UpXbox RightXbox RightXbox LTriggerXbox RightXbox UpXBox XXBox White
Spawn RhinoPS3 CirclePS3 CirclePS3 L1PS3 CirclePS3 CirclePS3 CirclePS3 L1PS3 L2PS3 R1PS3 TrianglePS3 CirclePS3 TriangleaiwprtonXBox BXBox BXbox LTriggerXBox BXBox BXBox BXbox LTriggerXBox WhiteXbox RTriggerXBox YXBox BXBox Y
Spawn Romero(Hearse)PS3 DownPS3 R2PS3 DownPS3 R1PS3 L2PS3 LeftPS3 R1PS3 L1PS3 LeftPS3 Rightaqtbcodx / wheresthefuneralXbox DownXBox BlackXbox DownXbox RTriggerXBox WhiteXbox LeftXbox RTriggerXbox LTriggerXbox LeftXbox Right
Spawn StretchPS3 R2PS3 UpPS3 L2PS3 LeftPS3 LeftPS3 R1PS3 L1PS3 CirclePS3 Rightkrijebr / celebritystatusXBox BlackXbox UpXBox WhiteXbox LeftXbox LeftXbox RTriggerXbox LTriggerXBox BXbox Right
Spawn Stunt PlanePS3 CirclePS3 UpPS3 L1PS3 L2PS3 DownPS3 R1PS3 L1PS3 L1PS3 LeftPS3 LeftPS3 CrossPS3 Triangleurkqsrk / flyingtostuntXBox BXbox UpXbox LTriggerXBox WhiteXbox DownXbox RTriggerXbox LTriggerXbox LTriggerXbox LeftXbox LeftXBox AXBox Y
Spawn Tanker and attached Tanker TrailerPS3 R1PS3 UpPS3 LeftPS3 RightPS3 R2PS3 UpPS3 RightPS3 SquarePS3 RightPS3 L2PS3 L1PS3 L1amomhrerXbox RTriggerXbox UpXbox LeftXbox RightXBox BlackXbox UpXbox RightXBox XXbox RightXBox WhiteXbox LTriggerXbox LTrigger
Spawn TrashmasterPS3 CirclePS3 R1PS3 CirclePS3 R1PS3 LeftPS3 LeftPS3 R1PS3 L1PS3 CirclePS3 Rightubhyzhq / truegrimeXBox BXbox RTriggerXBox BXbox RTriggerXbox LeftXbox LeftXbox RTriggerXbox LTriggerXBox BXbox Right
SpawnVortex(Hovercraft)PS3 TrianglePS3 TrianglePS3 SquarePS3 CirclePS3 CrossPS3 L1PS3 L2PS3 DownPS3 DownkgggdkpXBox YXBox YXBox XXBox BXBox AXbox LTriggerXBox WhiteXbox DownXbox Down
Taxi missions completed (All taxis get nitrous, and jump up when you press the horn)PS3 UpPS3 CrossPS3 TrianglePS3 CrossPS3 TrianglePS3 CrossPS3 SquarePS3 R2PS3 RightN/AXbox UpXBox AXBox YXBox AXBox YXBox AXBox XXBox BlackXbox Right
Your car is Invincible and can instantly destroy other vehicles

Note: Invincibility is unreliable and occasionally turns itself off after cutscenes, inside the car when just finishing dates and missions or if you're inside the car when the cheat is turned on. You have to exit and re-enter the car to re-enable the invincibility, or else your car will blow up when you blow up another car.
PS3 L1PS3 L2PS3 L2PS3 UpPS3 DownPS3 DownPS3 UpPS3 R1PS3 R2PS3 R2jcnruadXbox LTriggerXBox WhiteXBox WhiteXbox UpXbox DownXbox DownXbox UpXbox RTriggerXBox BlackXBox Black

Themes/pedestrian behavior

Many of these cheats are used in the game during the Los Santos Riots.
Aggressive driversRight, R2, Up, Up, R2, circle, square, R2, L1, Right, Down, L1ylteiczRIGHT, Black, UP, UP, Black, B, X, Black, L Trigger, RIGHT, DOWN, L Trigger
Aggressive trafficR2, circle, R1, L2, Left R1, L1, R2, L2ylteiczBlack, B, R Trigger, White, Left R Trigger, L Trigger, Black, White
Beach party theme (Everyone bikini babes, all cars are beach cars, CJ in shorts and flipflops.)Up, Up, Down, Down, square, circle, L1, R1, triangle, Down.cikgcgxUp, Up, Down, Down, X, B, L Trigger, R Trigger, Y, Down
Beater/junk car trafficL2, RIGHT, L1, UP, X, L1, L2, R2, R1, L1, L1, L1bgkgtjhWhite, RIGHT, L Trigger, UP, A, L Trigger, White, Black, R Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger
All traffic vehicles are blackcircle, L2, Up, R1, Left, X, R1, L1, Left, circleiowdlacB, White, Up, R Trigger, Left, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, Left, B
Carnival theme (Civilians are fast food workers & clowns, Carl Johnsonhas a clown outfit, traffic consists of Pizza BoyBF InjectionHotknifeTug,QuadHotdog and all four wheeled vehicles have hydraulics.)triangle, triangle, L1, square, square, circle, square, down, circlepriebj / crazytownY, Y, L Trigger, X, X, B, X, Down, B
Cars float away when hit
Note: This cheat does not work in missions involving races and car chases
square, R2, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, L2, Xbsxsggc / bubblecarsX, Black, Down, Down, Left, Down, Left, Left, White, A
Pedestrians Riot (this cheat can be disabled)
L2, RIGHT, L1, triangle, RIGHT, RIGHT, R1, L1, RIGHT, L1, L1, L1iojufzn / stateofemergencyWhite, RIGHT, L Trigger, Y, RIGHT, RIGHT, R Trigger, L Trigger, RIGHT, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger
All vehicles explodeR2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, square, triangle, circle, triangle, L2, L1cpktnwt / allcarsgoboomBlack, White, R Trigger, L Trigger, White, Black, X, Y, B, Y, White, L Trigger
Invisible cars (except motorcycles)triangle, L1, triangle, R2, square, L1, L1xicwmd/wheelsonlypleaseY, L Trigger, Y, Black, X, L Trigger, L Trigger
Kinky theme/pimp mode (Attracts Prostitutes with sex toys/gimp suit)square, Right, square, square, L2, X, triangle, X,trianglebekknqvX, Right, X, X, White, A, Y, A, Y
Prostitutes pay you instead of taking your moneyRight, L2, L2, Down, L2, Up, Up, L2, R2n/aRight, White, White, Down, White, Up, Up, White, Black
No pedestrians/reduced traffic (Parked cars still spawn)X, Down, Up, R2, Down, triangle, L1, triangle, Leftthgloj / ghosttownA, Down, Up, Black, Down, Y, L Trigger, Y, Left
Pedestrians are ElvisL1, circle, trianlge, L1, L1, square, L2, Up, Down, Leftasbhgrb / bluesuedeshoesL Trigger, B, Y, L Trigger, L Trigger, X, White, Up, Down, Left
Pedestrians attack you with weapons and rocket launcher

(Cannot be turned off)
Down, Up, Up, Up, X, R2, R1, L2, L2bagowpgDown, Up, Up, Up, A, Black, R Trigger, White, White
Pedestrians attack you with gunsX, L1, UP, square, down, X, L2, triangle, down, R1, L1, L1bgluawmlA, L Trigger, UP, X, DOWN, A, White, Y, DOWN, R Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger
Pedestrians have weaponsR2, R1, X, triangle, X, triangle, Up, DownfoooxftBlack, R Trigger, A, Y, A, Y, Up, Down
Pedestrians riot (with golf club) (Cannot be turned off;Madd Dogg will instantly jump to his death once you start hismission)Down, Left, Up, Left, X, R2, R1, L2, L1ajlojyqyDown, Left, Up, Left, A, Black, R Trigger, White, L Trigger
Pink trafficcircle, L1, Down, L2, Left, X, R1, L1, Right, circlellqpfbnB, L Trigger, Down, White, Left, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, Right, B
Rural themeL1, L1, R1, R1, L2, L1, R2, Down, Left, UpbmtpwhrL Trigger, L Trigger, R Trigger, R Trigger White, L Trigger, Black, Down, Left, Up
Rural trafficTriangle, left, square, R2, UP, L2, Down, L1, X, L1, L1, L1fvtmnbzY, Left, X, White, Up, Black, Down, L Trigger, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger
Sports car trafficRight, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1gusnhde / everyoneisrichRight, R Trigger, Up, White, White, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, R Trigger, R Trigger
Traffic lights remain greenRight, R1, Up, L2, L2, Left, R1, L1, R1, R1zeiivgRight, R Trigger, Up, White, White, Left, R Trigger, L Trigger, R Trigger, R Trigger
Yakuza theme (Triad members start to appear in the streets withKatana's. Mostly black cars and motorcycles patrol the streets.)X, X, Down, R2, L2, O, R1, O, squareafphultl / ninjatownA, A, Down, Black, White, B. R Trigger, B, X


Gang members spawn much fasterLeft, Right, Right, Right, Left, X, Down, Up, square, RightmroemzhLeft, Right, Right, Right, Left, A, Down, Up, X, Right,
Gang wars break out all over the streetsL1, Up, R1, R1, Left, R1, R1, R2, Right, DownonlyhomiesallowedL Trigger, Up, R Trigger, R Trigger, Left, R Trigger, R Trigger, Black, Right, Down
Gangs and workersLeft, Right(3), Left, X, Down, Up, Square, RightmroemzhLeft, Right(3), Left, A, Down, Up, X, Right
No citizens or cops, only gang members having gunfightsL2, Up, R1, R1, Left, R1, R1, R2, Right, DownbifbuzzWhite, Up, R Trigger, R Trigger, Left, R Trigger, R Trigger, Black, Right, Down
Recruit anyone into gang with 9mm pistols

Note: If the player recruits a Ballas and/or Vagos gang member and starts a gang war, the recruited Ballas and/or Vagos will immediately attack the player
down, square, UP, R2, R2, UP, right, right, upsjmahpeDOWN, X, UP, Black, Black, UP, RIGHT, RIGHT, UP
Recruit anyone into gang with rocket launchersR2, R2, R2, X, L2, L1, R2, L1, DOWN, Xssoxfsq / rocketmayhemBlack, Black, Black, A, White, L Trigger, Black, L Trigger, DOWN, A

Time and weather

Always 00:00 or 12:00square, L1, R1, RIGHT, X, UP, L1, LEFT, LEFTxjvsnajX, L Trigger, R Trigger, RIGHT, A, UP, L Trigger, LEFT, LEFT
Always 21:00 with orange sky
Note: When disabled the time that passed is added to your currrent time.
Left(2), L2, R1, Right, Square(2), L1, L2, X.ofviac
Left, Left, White, R Trigger, Right, X, X, L Trigger, White, A,
Cloudy weatherL2, down, down, left, square, Left, R2, square, X, R1, L1, L1alnsfmzoWhite, DOWN, DOWN, LEFT, X, LEFT, Black, X, A, R Trigger, L Trigger, L Trigger
Fast gameplaytriangle, Up, Right, Down, L2, L1, squareppgwjht / speeditupY, Up, Right, Down, White, L Trigger, X
Foggy weatherR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, XcfvfgmjBlack, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, A
MorningR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, squaren/aBlack, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, X
NightR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, trianglexjvsnaj/nightprowlerBlack, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, Y
NoonR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Downn/aBlack, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, Down
Overcast weatherR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, squarealnsfmzOBlack, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, X
Sandstorm weatherUp, Down, L1, L1, L2, L2, L1, L2, R1, R2cwjxuocUp, Down, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, L Trigger, White, R Trigger, Black
Rainy weatherR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Xauifrvqsn/a
Speed up time (enter code again to deactivate cheat)circle, circle, L1, square, L1, square, square, square, L1, triangle, circle, triangleysohnulB, B, L Trigger, X, L Trigger, X, X, X, L Trigger, Y, B, Y
Slow Gameplayn/aslowitdownn/a
Stormy weatherR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, circlemghxyr/scottishsummerBlack, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, B
Sunny weatherR2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, triangleafzllqll/pleasantlywarmBlack, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, Y
Very sunny weather
R2, X, L1, L1, L2, L2, L2, Downicikpyh/toodamnhotBlack, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, White, White, White, Down

Negative effects of cheating

Cheating in GTA San Andreas has been proven to have some negative effects on missions and gameplay. The following list contains side effects that may arise by playing the game with cheats. To avoid any of these side effects, it is recommended to use cheat codes only after the game has been completed or on an alternate save file.
  • Cheating decreases your Criminal Rating by 10.
  • Enabling the "Health and Armor" cheat during the bike chase of Just Business and during shooting from the car in End of the Line will fail the mission, destroying the bike/Feltzer (End of the Line), and CJ will eventually be Wasted.
  • Enabling the "Health and Armor" cheat during the Lure mission will immediately destroy your doors, making the mission more difficult.
  • The Health and Armor cheat does not have an effect on the DA's car on 555 We Tip.
  • Enabling the "Health and Armor" cheat during a taxi driver sub-mission will immediately emptied the tip bar, making you unable to get the Speed Bonus.
  • Enabling the "Lock Wanted Level" cheat will cause a glitch on the Mike Toreno mission stopping the script after the red marker.
  • The second riot cheats are not reversible, and will be permanent on the save file once activated.
  • When the "Pedestrians attack with Golf Clubs" cheat is activated in the game during the Madd Doggmission, Madd Dogg will immediately jump off of the roof, failing the mission. 
  • The Max Fat and Max Muscle cheats make it difficult for you to date Helena Wankstein.
  • The Super Punches cheat are not recommended during the Riot events of Los Santos. Since any civilian (including CJ) being punched with this cheat turned on will automatically die (unless the infinite health cheat is turned on).
  • The Recruit Anyone cheats reverse in effect during Gang Wars.
  • The missions Burning DesireLife's a BeachPhoto Opportunity, and Madd Dogg cannot be completed if too many cheats have been used before the mission.
  • If you enable the Jetpack cheat whilst CJ has stepped on a red mission marker, will eventually stop the game, the screen turns black and only the mission title is displayed.
  • The Pedestrians Riot cheat makes the mission "Madd Dogg" impossble to complete, as Madd Dogg jumps before you have enough time to park the truck under him, why this happens is unknown.
  • If you enter the Flying Cars cheat, and you drive a car into any body of water, CJ will become stuck in the car and will not be able to get out. Same applies when bailing out whilst in the air (rarely).
  • If you enter the Cars Float Away When Hit cheat too many times, cars will sometimes spawn in midair and fall from the sky. Also, random cars will explode as soon as CJ is within spawning distance of them.
  • If you enable the Flying Cars cheat, random NPC cars may suddenly lift off and fly away.
  • Enabling the Health and Armor cheat during the mission Reuniting The Families (the chase part) will not repair Sweet's car.
  • Enabling the Destroy All Cars cheat during the mission Reuniting The Families (possibly to make the cop cars & bikes destroyed quickly) will make Sweet's car explode and will make CJ stuck inside the car (unable to get out).
  • If the Cars Float On Water cheat is enabled, the NevadaRustlerStuntplane and Cropduster will roll backwards when they spawn. It is unknown why this happens, but it is hypothesized that they roll backwards because their nose tilts upwards when parked.
  • Enabling time cheats (Midnight for example), may cause the ingame time to progress and it will never stop unless the cheat is enabled again (causing CJ's health to quickly drain if he gets hungry).
  • Enabling the "Invisible Car Cheat" may glitch the game (especially on the console version of GTA San Andreas), causing all vehicles to appear with only their wheels. This glitch will continue until you restart the console.
  • Enabling Fat and Stamina Cheats will cause CJ to not be allowed to work out in any gym.
  • If the player has the "Flying Cars" cheat enabled while starting any Racing side-mission, all of the opponent's cars will lift off and fly away as soon as the race starts. 


  • During the third mission, Sweet & Kendl, if you type in the cheat "Bounty on your head", you will cause your gang to attack you. However, if you are able to run them over with a vehicle, de-activate the "Bounty on your head" cheat, activate the cheats "Recruit Anyone" and "Maximum Respect" cheat, lock on and recruit them, they will become your allies. They have a lot of health and they can take a lot of damage. Also, they never de-spawn.  This is confirmed for PC.
  • Whilst the "Speed up time" cheat is activated at least twice, inputting Left, Down, Right, Up, Left, Down, Right, Up on the PS2 controller when listening to the radio in a vehicle will allow you to skip tracks.


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